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Thank you for thinking of ECKANKAR in your giving. Your generous donations help the Mahanta carry the flame of ECK for a bright spiritual future. Thank you for your gifts of love—both in service and coin. |
ECKANKAR Ireland Mission Fund (general fund) donations may cover any Satsang Society expenses, including Vahana efforts, ECK Center rent, etc.
Explore your Spiritual Experiences
Explore Your Spiritual Experiences
Have you had a dream which you felt was significant or noticed new feelings or intuition about things? Are coincidences a regular thing in your life? Eckankar teaches methods and techniques to help us understand our spiritual experiences. You are welcome to any of the events listed in the calendar where you can ask and discuss your spiritual questions. Come along and bring a friend. You will likely find it both educational and uplifting. Sound of Soul Event HU (pronounced ‘hue’) is an ancient name for God. The Sound of Soul event HU Song involves singing this holy name in a group for twenty minutes to a half-hour. Discussion afterwards. xxxX Spiritual Lunch This spiritual gathering features good food and company, as we enjoy a new video talk by Harold Klemp, Eckankar’s spiritual leader. All are welcome. |
Spiritual Questions
Why did God have to put me through such a tough lifetime? Where does “mind” come into spirituality? How does spirituality apply to me? Where do animals go when they die? – will I see my pet again? What is the role of illness in my life? These questions help to illustrate the spiritual experiences and needs of people in Ireland. Meetings There are not many places where people can explore and discuss these important events in their lives. That is until now. Eckankar, a spiritual path, which teaches methods and techniques to help us understand our spiritual experiences will be holding an open discussion on spiritual experiences at a number of locations around the country. Check our Calendar for locations of upcoming meetings by clicking here. All are welcome to what are lively and interesting meetings where spiritual experiences and stories will be explored and discussed. There will also be a number of techniques and exercises shared at the meeting which people can use to help get a better understanding of their personal experiences. One of those techniques is the HU Song and you can find out more info on it by clicking here. |