Inner HU Chant
The Inner HU Chant can help maintain a connection with the ECK community via an inner HU Chant. Singing HU together in this way can bring a greater sense of community to us all.
Our day will be every Friday at 12pm (noon) and/or 9pm. You can chant at either or both of these times, or whatever suits you depending on your day.
Any of the quotes below can be used as contemplation seeds.
Our day will be every Friday at 12pm (noon) and/or 9pm. You can chant at either or both of these times, or whatever suits you depending on your day.
Any of the quotes below can be used as contemplation seeds.
“The jewel of God is truth. It has been offered to us many times before. We have taken the truth and stepped on it, abused it, thrown it away, until in this life, the jewel of God is brought before us again. And again we are faced with the same choice: Will it be the Mahanta or the Ahanta? Will it be the greater consciousness or the consciousness of the ego? “The tests and the challenges go with us every day, but are always presented in ways we can handle. They uplift and uphold the spirit in ways that are good for us as the children of ECK. “I want you to know that the love of the Mahanta is always with you. Baraka Bashad.” Harold Klemp, The Golden Heart, p.40. |
Thoughts Have Life
“People generally don't realize that without the protection of divine love, even the most idle thought creates a karmic situation that needs to be resolved sometime later. “In ECK we learn to protect ourself by singing HU. “If you have one of these thoughts and you're aware of it, just say, "Whoops, I really don't need that experience," and sing HU. “People constantly pick up these little bits of karma that have to be worked out at some point in their daily life, either in this lifetime or in another. One of the advantages of being in ECK is that you can work out much of the karma in the dream state. Then you don't have to go through the wear and tear out here in the physical body. “Yes, there are lessons out here; life doesn't necessarily become easier for someone who is in ECK. “But the lessons that come outwardly will be absolutely necessary for you, only those you cannot get in any other way.” Harold Klemp, How the Inner Master Works, p.39 |
What Is Heaven? “There are many ways in which the ECK Masters begin working with people who wish to explore the heavenly regions. When you have a great creative ability, consciously or unconsciously, you have been lifted in your state of consciousness. In the dream state or in another manner, you have been taken into one of the heavens. “Some people are aware of being taken into the Astral heaven or to the Causal or Mental Plane, but the greater heavens lie beyond those material worlds. On the material planes we have the heavens of the Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, and most of the different segments that spill off from the major religions. These are the heavens where the orthodox seeker desires to go, where he can sit on the right hand of the deity and hopefully stay there forever in peace and quiet. He never stops to think that maybe this would be a dull heaven, with nothing positive or constructive to do. “We often have the naive notion that heaven is a place where one wears a halo and sits around at the right hand of God playing a harp. In a heaven like this, one just lies around on spiritual welfare, having a good time while God pays the way. One would be eternally at rest. But I know when I go into the other worlds permanently, I'm going to be an active Co-worker with God. This is the true mission of Soul: in some way agreeing to work as an agent for the Divine Being in the vast worlds that lie beyond the physical realm, to carry the message of the Light and Sound to all the different worlds.” Harold Klemp, The Secret Teachings, p.110-111 |
“Without love, you cannot take one step on the path to God. You've got to have at least a little love before you can even begin to accept the teachings of ECK. But as you get a little and persevere with the teachings of ECK, you are given a talent. Use it well and you will be given another, and another.
“If you start with a little love, as you grow you will get more and more. One day you will become a Master who has had the God-Realized state, and perhaps gone even beyond to the Akshar state. Beings of this nature are filled with love and compassion to a degree that we find hard to believe. “Their love and compassion is so great that if they walked among men, the reaction would be to attack them, without even knowing why. The human consciousness isn't able to withstand the full power and love of the Light and Sound of God. This is why most ECK Masters generally stay in the background, in seclusion. “No matter what path you choose, don't go around half-conscious or unconscious. You owe it to yourself to give this life a good whirl, to put everything into it, and to make it worth living. You owe it to yourself as a spiritual being to enjoy the richness and fullness of this life.” Harold Klemp, The Golden Heart, p.122 |
The Importance of Each Soul
“SUGMAD isn't concerned about the individual's concept of problems. All SUGMAD cares about is that one day Soul will become ITS Co-worker. Soul is a spark of God, and as such, is required by God; for it is through Soul that God sees and realizes ITS own worlds. “This is a paradox. It may even sound like a contradic-tion. We think of God as being all-powerful, so why would SUGMAD need the individual Souls at all levels of con-sciousness throughout ITS worlds? “Let me put it another way: We need the ECK, and the ECK needs us. The ECK is all-powerful, but it needs us in order to know Its consciousness, the higher realizations, God-Realization, and ultimately even beyond that. Why? So that this great expression of life can have ever-greater realization. “As It does, we do; and as we do, It does. For this reason, when even one Soul unfolds, there is an upliftment in consciousness realized throughout the worlds of SUGMAD. This is why the initiations in ECK are so impor-tant. “ Harold Klemp, The Golden Heart, p.67 |
Thoughts Have Life “People generally don't realize that without the protec-tion of divine love, even the most idle thought creates a karmic situation that needs to be resolved sometime later. “In ECK we learn to protect ourself by singing HU. “If you have one of these thoughts and you're aware of it, just say, "Whoops, I really don't need that experience," and sing HU. “People constantly pick up these little bits of karma that have to be worked out at some point in their daily life, either in this lifetime or in another. One of the ad-vantages of being in ECK is that you can work out much of the karma in the dream state. Then you don't have to go through the wear and tear out here in the physical body. “Yes, there are lessons out here; life doesn't necessarily become easier for someone who is in ECK. “But the lessons that come outwardly will be absolutely necessary for you, only those you cannot get in any other way.” Harold Klemp, How the Inner Master Works, p.39 |
“I'm not offering you a life of spiritual healings that last forever, because they won't. I'm not offering you a life where prosperity will last forever. It may not. All I am offering you is a glimpse of the face of God, and personal experience in the Light and Sound of this Divine Being.
“Experiment freely with the spiritual techniques found in the ECK books. Make these exercises fit you. The path must fit you, not the other way around. It has to suit you. When it does, when you have tailored a technique for your-self which can put you in contact with the inner forces, then you truly are one of the divine beings. It's a rewarding opportunity.” Harold Klemp, The Secret Teachings, p.118 |
Appearance of God's Love “The Sound and Light of God are the appearance of God's love in your daily life in a very real way. Sometimes you'll feel a vibration, sometimes you might hear the music of a flute. These arc both manifestations of the Sound of God. “People see the Light of God inwardly as a white light, a blue light, a pink light, a green light, sometimes in the form of a lightbulb, sometimes as a fire, sometimes as a lamp, or just as a globe that glows—It can be any form, any color. “The Light and Sound of God is a part of God's love that few people know about. And It's one of the mainstays of the teachings of ECK. The Light and Sound of God are the twin pillars of God's love. “This woman stayed in her room that night very happy and filled with love. She was ready to meet the new friends that she knew awaited her in this once-strange town. She knew that the love of the Master was with her.” Harold Klemp, How the Inner Master Works, p.160 |
“Through the power of the HU, the word of God, you can gain the ability to bring about the separation of Soul from the physical body and become aware of the place you will go after you leave here in death.
“We are looking to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven, which means the state of high awareness or God Con-sciousness, while in the physical body. The co-workers of God exist and labor in all planes, even on earth. “Just because the saints worked on earth does not mean they were ever separated from the high consciousness. When necessary, they endured torture, poverty, and hard-ship at the hands of others, and yet they were able to be happy and content. “The question is, Can we have this, too? Some will not, but there are others who have the ability and the potential to learn Soul Travel, to take those first timid steps out of the physical body. They will explore the inner planes, sometimes through the dream state, and come in contact with the two aspects of the Holy Spirit—the Light and Sound.” Harold Klemp, The Golden Heart, p.83 |
A Technique for Self-healing “Here is a spiritual exercise for self-healing: When you have a physical ailment—the flu or something of this nature— shut your eyes and chant HU, the secret name of God. Visualize this orange light coming off from the white light and flowing through to the damaged part or the point of illness. Just let it flow through for twenty minutes. This is the regular length of time for contemplation in ECK. The orange light is usually used for physical ailments and any kind of physical problem. “The blue light is also a light of healing, but it is usually used for the inner bodies—the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Etheric. The Blue Light is also how the Mahanta, the highest consciousness, makes Itself known in the lower worlds. Then as you go further, you see the Light change to yellow and then into the white light. “The blue light is used in a similar way for a healing of the heart, healing of Soul, or the upliftment of consciousness. You shut your eyes and chant HU. Put your attention at the Spiritual Eye and visualize this blue light flowing through you as a great wave. Not as a river, but as a great wave that flows through, purifying and uplifting you. “Trust in Spirit to bring you whatever you need for your unfoldment. I would like to thank you for your hospitality, your good-ness, and for your love. May the blessings be.” Harold Klemp, The Secret Teachings, p.130-131 |
Loving Yourself as Soul
“Some people wonder, Who do you love more? And who do you love first? Do you love God? Do you love your family? Or do you love yourself? And I say that you cannot separate divine love into parts. “Two thousand years ago Christ said, "Love thy neighbour as thyself:" He was trying to get across an important message to the people of his time. Perhaps then—as now—too few people knew how to love them-selves. I'm not talk* about loving the little self, the egotistical side, the selfishness, the greedy side. “I'm talking about loving that part of yourself that is divine. Love that part of yourself that is divine, because that is Soul, and you are Soul.” Harold Klemp, How the Inner Master Works, p.176-177 |
“As we unfold, our potential for solving problems increases. This is simply because we have a closer, more intimate contact with the Light and the Sound of ECK. We expand in our circle of awareness. The Second Initiate ought to have a greater awareness of how to meet his life situations than a First Initiate. So when a Sixth Initiate is viewed by a First Initiate, the First Initiate may think, Those Sixth Initiates must have it pretty good—no problems. Yes, they have problems, and some of you can see the problems the Higher Initiates have, and they can see yours—but these problems are of our own individual worlds.” Harold Klemp, The Secret Teachings, p.189 |
“This is why the creative imagination is so important, as well as your willingness to stay open to life and to the Holy Spirit. When the old remedies don't work anymore, Spirit is going to show you something new that does work. But if you are rigid in consciousness, you won't even notice the solution; therefore, you'll suffer, sometimes even to the point of death.
“The path to truth is like a two-edged sword. You have to stay open; you have to be willing to give up your precon-ceived notions about right eating, what is right for your health—all those things. At some point, whatever was right for you in the past will no longer work. “The old rules become completely powerless to do any-thing more for you. But Spirit will put in front of you a new and better way, and once you pick it up, you are a new creature.” Harold Klemp, The Golden Heart, p.100 |
Light, Sound, and Love “What are the Light and Sound of God? Basically, the love of God. That's what the Light and Sound are. “They are a manifestation of divine love. “We speak about Light and Sound in words, trying to explain to people. We say, "Yes, there is such a thing as the Light of God. It's many times brighter than any of these spotlights up here. It's many times more beau-tiful." And these people who have never experienced or seen the Light of God will ask, "Is It brighter than the sun?" Yes, in some cases, the Light of God is many times brighter than the sun, because the sun comes from only one spot. “But the Light of God fills your entire being. It seems to come from everywhere at once. That's the difference between the Light of God and the brightest light we know, which is the sun. “You try to explain to people about the Sound of God, one of the aspects showing you that God's love, is coming to you. You can hear someone playing a flute or violin so beautifully, and you say, "It's like that, only better." “On the inner planes, you may hear the sound of dif-ferent musical instruments, birds, choirs, a person sing-ing, all these things. “There is no way to share the true beauty of the Sound of God.All you can do is say, "Something to help you open your heart is the word HU." And then pass along the word HU.” Harold Klemp, How the Inner Master Works, p.206-207 |
A Better Instrument
“Sometimes people have a yearning to serve God. After all this is Soul's purpose in this life. If you don't know your purpose yet, it's to learn how to serve God. “This doesn't mean everyone has to become a full-time member of the clergy or anything like that. It means as Soul, as a divine light of God, your purpose in this life is to develop love and compassion and all the other divine qualities that make you a better instrument of Divine Spirit. “Where and how do you learn this? “You learn this at home, working things out with your family. Sometimes you don't see eye to eye. Sometimes the pressures of the day get to you. You have harsh words, and then you have to kiss and make up. Kissing and making up is again the sharing of love, human love, which is trying to express divine love. “And how do you learn these lessons of becoming more godlike so that one day you can become a Co-worker with God? You learn these lessons at work, you learn them at the market, you learn them ticrough your mistakes. You learn them each time you are less than willing to listen to someone else or to be patient. “Then life teaches you better through some hard lesson. That's when people say, "Why do I have to have such hardships in my life?" Harold Klemp, How the Inner Master Works, p.220-221 |
Finding the Laughter “The creativity of ECK can be a happy thing. It can be happy even though the clouds come over us. For awhile, we may face sorrows and hardships. We are used to our body acting in a certain way, for instance. All of a sudden it doesn't perform the way it used to ten years ago, or we find we have certain illnesses. “The creativity comes in trying to find the correct doctor, or in a spiritual healing if we are ready for it, or in handling whatever comes. This is how we work with Spirit. We look at life and try to find the laughter wherever we can, when-ever we can, because laughter is a healer.” Harold Klemp, The Secret Teachings, p.198 |
“In a spiritual sense, if you have problems and catastrophes in your own life, this energy can propel you to spiritual heights. Letters come to me from people begging to be spared problems in life. They are looking toward the old concept of God: If something goes wrong in my life, Lord, please deliver me from it. They are deaf to the question: But what will you do in return? They think it is enough to say, In return I'll love you and worship you. It's not enough.
“We have to take full responsibility for our own lives. Once we do, we find that the problems we have are ones we can handle. Not only that, but we can often choose our problems. You may think if there were a choice between problems and no problems, you'd choose to have no prob-lems, and I'd say you would be very wise. Unfortunately, this world doesn't run like that. It works by degrees, not absolutes. You can't say you will or will not have problems. That's absolute, and life doesn't work that way. It works like this: You are going to have problems, but you now have a choice as to how to handle them.”
Harold Klemp, The Secret Teachings, p.230
“We have to take full responsibility for our own lives. Once we do, we find that the problems we have are ones we can handle. Not only that, but we can often choose our problems. You may think if there were a choice between problems and no problems, you'd choose to have no prob-lems, and I'd say you would be very wise. Unfortunately, this world doesn't run like that. It works by degrees, not absolutes. You can't say you will or will not have problems. That's absolute, and life doesn't work that way. It works like this: You are going to have problems, but you now have a choice as to how to handle them.”
Harold Klemp, The Secret Teachings, p.230